Horos Triumphs in Bearish Market, Generates Profits for Investors with Consistent Long Market Trading Predictions

3 min readOct 11, 2022


The AI market predictor on Horos has had a very productive week. Presently, all AI-generated market predictions have gone green, showing high returns.

  • The Horos AI Market Signaler has been consistently predicting opportune trading moments
  • Every long signal prediction is bringing back significant returns between 4%-6%
  • Soon Horos will introduce even more exciting components that will further simplify the trading experience

Horos is pleased to share that its AI Market Signaler component is consistently predicting opportune market trading signals that have continuously resulted in good and favorable returns. Presently, the Horos dashboard features a series of such profitable trading predictions.

Figure 1: Favorable returns from AI-generated long market signals on Horos

Figure 2: Horos AI perfectly predicted upward market movement

Horos has welcomed many enthusiastic investors and traders onto its platform since its Beta launch on September 19. In light of this pleasant beta release, Horos has also been predicting a tremendous number of profitable trading commands.

The crypto market is a volatile sector no doubt, however, it is important to note that the best of traders are always aware of the fact that there is lots to gain from a dynamic market. After all, many have made a name for themselves by being bullish in bearing situations.

Horos is proof of this very philosophy. So far, Horos has made multiple profitable trades even in bearish markets. Especially during this crypto winter, the powerful Artificial Intelligence core engine that powers Horos was able to predict multiple market dips and save its users a fortune.

For instance, Horos saw the Bitcoin (BTC) dips of August and September. You can also read about them specifically, along with other profitable trades that Horos carried out over the last few months. For a more detailed report of Horos’ performance, you can give this 30-day PnL report a read.

Presently, Wisdomise is beginning its next phase of iteration to improve its AI machine. It is doing so by collaborating with reputed partners. In the meantime, Horos is open with preliminary functionality for the public. Have you earned a profit from Horos AI market signals yet? It’s not too late to leverage from this limited free access. Head to app.horos.fi now and you too can share your success stories with the online trading community.

Wisdomise has deployed over 420 million AI experiments to ensure Horos’ ability to outperform other predictive market signals out there. With over 3 million lines of code fortifying Horos, Wisdomise is proud to invite all traders and investors onto the secure and opportunistic platform.

The top-notch global Wisdomise team that developed Horos hail from different parts of the world and are skilled and experienced in both the digital and traditional financial industry. Our data scientists and AI experts have worked in tangent with renowned and reputed ivy league professors to deliver a resolute and capable AI — Horos.

To thrive in the trading and web3 space, Horos will bring expertise and knowledge to you. As a commitment to our vision of bridging the gap in the world of web3, we continue to fortify Horos with even more exciting features and components to further simplify the trading experience.

Until then, feel free to explore the Analytics tool on Horos to compare the performance of your portfolio and set benchmarks. Follow us on Medium or on our social media channels to be the first to hear our latest updates!

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Website: https://www.horos.fi/




Wisdomise is an AI powerhouse, driven to solve for inefficiencies in web3 and decentralized economy.