Horos AI Predicts Latest Bitcoin (BTC) Dump, Saves Massive 10.73% for Investors

3 min readSep 14, 2022


Horos continues to prove the prowess of its Artificial Intelligence core with its latest BTC sell signal. The opportune signal led to 10.73% investment savings.

  • Horos once again proves its massive trading and investing potential with its latest BTC sell signal
  • By selling BTC before a massive dump, Horos made a call that saved 10.73% in investment savings
  • Horos predicted the Bitcoin (BTC) dip a full 24 hours before it occurred

At 11PM (UTC) on September 12, 2022, Horos sent a BTC sell signal. Following this, the price of Bitcoin (BTC) began to fall rapidly from 12:30PM (UTC) on September 13, 2022. By following the BTC sell signal sent by Horos, traders and investors would save 10.73%.

The accuracy of the predictive technology of Horos has once again delivered an excellent AI-powered market signal. This time, Horos’ vigilant eye struck true once again as it set a sell signal for Bitcoin (BTC) at $22,323.5, a full 24 hours before the price dip!

Figure 1. Horos sends life-changing BTC sell signal

According to CoinGecko analytics, the price of Bitcoin (BTC) is currently at $20,342. Indeed, this BTC sell signal for Horos would help save a lot of funds for traders and investors everywhere. This is also not the first time Horos made a major prediction with a BTC sell signal. Read here to see when Bitcoin predicted the crypto market dip that occurred on August 19, 2022.

Lately, the price of Bitcoin (BTC) and other cryptocurrencies have been greatly influenced by macroeconomics. For instance, US and UK inflation rates, interest rates, and much more have all influenced the crypto market and its’ surges and dips.

In fact, according to the chart below, the latest crypto dump on September 13, 2022 seems to have taken place just after the US Core Inflation Rate was announced. Right as this announcement was made, the US Dollar Index (DXY) began to rise. In contrast, the price of Bitcoin (BTC) began to fall at the same time.

Figure 2: The price of Bitcoin (BTC) begins to fall as DXY starts to rise

Figure 3: The US Core Inflation Rate was announced

This is a huge sign that supports the fact that we are seeing a more prominent correlation between macroeconomic factors, Bitcoin (BTC), and other cryptocurrencies. It would take years and years of experience along with decades worth of watching the charts for any seasoned veteran trader to catch trading patterns like this. Making a profit in the crypto market is no easy matter.

Horos can catch similar opportune moments all the time. After conducting over 400 million AI experiments, Horos is more vigilant than ever and is ready to help the masses reach their financial goals. Wisdomise is on a mission to make wealth creation an easy matter for the masses. To help everyone attain financial freedom equally, Horos will give its first 2,009 users exclusive free access to its platform for a limited time.

Horos is set to make its beta launch on September 19. Get a direct notification on launch day to create a free account and gain access to proven AI-generated market signals. Drop your email on horos.fi to join the queue and be part of the first 2,009 users to kick off the journey to financial stability for free, before the rest of the world.

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Wisdomise is an AI powerhouse, driven to solve for inefficiencies in web3 and decentralized economy.